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User manual for iPhone & iPad - iOS7 Guide

Seller: Anna Lozovskaya
Price: -1

Download User manual for iPhone & iPad - iOS7 Guide free via AppsHawk.

This simple set of instructions will guide you through most of the iPhone & iPad secrets you need to know. Our user manual will provide a handful of tips and tricks for both iPhone and iPad running iOS7 operating system.

Our iOS7 guide is compiled as a training course. Your study will start from the very basic yet missed frequently security settings, allowing you to keep your iDevice safe.

You will then proceed to call management. No, we will not teach you how to make a call on iPhone, rather we will tell you everything about customising your phone, and some improvisation with call reject options.

We will also teach you to utilise the infamous Apple multitouch display with advanced gestures. Moreover, you will learn everything about contact list management and synchronisation, email setup, photos and media management and so on.

Our app is receiving regular updates, so any new tricks we learn will be delivered to you asap.

Have a productive reading!
