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ACT English Practice Tests

Seller: devang patel
Price: -1

Download ACT English Practice Tests free via AppsHawk.

ACT Exam English Practice tests App provide free model practice tests covered all types of English Section problems preparation with solution.

ACT Exam English test

The English test consists of five passages with 15 questions per passage. Most of the questions ask you to select the answer that is most appropriate in grammar and style; or the one that is most consistent with the tone of the passage.

Six elements of effective writing are tested in the English test, that fall under two categories:

1] Usage/Mechanics - 40 Questions
2] punctuation(10 Questions)
3] grammar and usage (12 Questions)
4] sentence structure (18 Questions)
5] Rhetorical Skills - 35 Questions
6] strategy(12 Questions)
7] organization(11 Questions)
8] style(12 Questions)
