App Detial
Baby Log: Track breastfeeding, diaper & growth
Seller: Just2MePrice: FREE

Download Baby Log: Track breastfeeding, diaper & growth free via AppsHawk.
Baby Log is the easiest way to keep track of your baby's well-being and growth.
We are parents too, and we understand there is so much to handle with a newborn. Hence, this app is designed to be FAST and ELEGANT to use.
## What can you track ##
1. Feeding: Breastfeed, bottle (express/formula) and solid food
2. Diaper change
3. Sleep
4. Growth: Height, weight and head circumference
5. Photo Album!
## WHY would you track ##
How many times have you asked questions such as "when was the last feeding/diaper change", or "did she have enough sleep"? We sure did, especially when our baby cried, and we need to find the cause..
Breastfeeding mum will be happy to time each breastfeeding session, and keeps track of the last fed side, easily.
Pediatrician often needs to know how often a baby eat/poop/sleep and her development, and this app comes in handy.
Lastly, isn't it cool to look at the photos and wonder how they change so quickly?