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Seller: Alexander Winn
Price: -1

Download Characterize free via AppsHawk.

Introducing Characterize Genres! Now, get instant access to completely unique generators for a range of genres and settings, all built for you to quickly generate not just names, but entire fleshed-out characters for your story or world.

Characterize is the perfect tool for writers, role-players, storytellers, and anyone who needs to come up with original characters on the fly.

Pulling from an extensive database of names and vital statistics, Characterize has the potential to generate over 8 quadrillion possible characters! That's more than enough for even the most ambitious of projects, and plenty to allow you room to cycle through options and pick the perfect one for you. A quick tap of the icon will bring up a whole new character!

Whether you're finally naming that long-discussed protagonist, populating a gaming world or even challenging yourself to write a story without knowing who the players will be beforehand, Characterize makes it easy to create realistic, fully realized characters at the touch of a button.
