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Chickie Dominos

Seller: Mindlube Games
Price: -1

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Free! for limited time until v3 is released |
Network multiplayer, pass-n-play and much more will be in version 3! (next release) | Watch the Trailer
| The Daily Appster Video 6/7/11 episode: "Very fun, very cool. Nice implementation of this game!" (v1.4) | Chickie Dominos, the traditional dominos game also known as "Chicken Foot", has the 3-toe pattern that makes every round of dominos fun! Play all your dominos before your opponent, or your dominos turn into eggs and points count against you! You will be a dominos fan in no time with the 5 minute interactive tutorial, and standard swipe and pinch controls. |

----- TIPS -----
- Prompts: you can turn off the prompts text via the Options button.

- Nickname: Your player nickname comes from GameCenter. Launch GameCenter app and sign in as a different user, or change your nickname there.

- Opponent's dominos count: It's shown at the top of the screen when it's the opponent's turn. Now it's also shown in the score screen too.

- Score screen: tap the egg in the top left, to get to the score screen at any time.

- Pass and play: pass and play multiplayer was removed. We are laying the groundwork for a future release having true online multiplayer, with a tournament style (ELO) ranking system! Lots of requests for Pass and Play though, so it could return.

- Tutorial: Just use the Back button if you didn't understand or the text scrolled by to quickly. In the next version, the text will be easier to read.

- Lots more, in the 5 minute interactive Tutorial! Just tap 'Learn to Play'.

- Freezing or Crashing? Make sure your device has enough memory by killing app & rebooting your device. See

- Have a question or complaint? Don't ask questions in the Reviews area. We cannot reply there. Ask via our web page instead. Thanks

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