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Percentage Calculator 360

Seller: LeisureMob Pty Ltd
Price: -1

Download Percentage Calculator 360 free via AppsHawk.

This calculator is for those that frequently do many percentage calculations and would like a calculator that is intuitive, easy to use, accurate, and fast. It is also very powerful, has brackets, so you can do complex arithmetic calculations or combine arithmetic with percentage calculations together.

This calculator has one touch push button percentage functions with intuitive natural language output. No wheels, no sliders, no input text boxes to fill out, no need to wait for the onscreen keyboard to slide up or slide down.

This is a powerful calculator.

It allows you to do arithmetic calculations, and even allows brackets, e.g 2 x (23.5 + 32.8) = 112.60

It allows you to do a percentage calculation on its own, e.g from 23.33 to 33.33 = 42.86% increase.

It even allows you to perform combined arithmetic and percentage calculations, e.g 120 x (10.58% of 889.99) = 11'534.27

If you want to purchase a calculator with intuitive, easy to use percentage functions without input boxes or wheels, this app is for you.

If you frequently need to perform percentage calculations, this advanced calculator will save you valuable time. This app is for you.
